Ha Giang Loop The Best Motorcycle to Use 4 Days

The best motorcycle to use in Ha Giang Loop in Vietnam

If you are planning your 4-Days Ha Giang Loop Itinerary you really have to plan ahead on what type of motorcycle is the best to use in Ha Ging Loop. This guide will help you select the best motorcycle for conquering the Ha Giang Loop.

Ha Giang Loop

The Ha Giang Loop in northern Vietnam is a breathtaking route known for its dramatic landscapes, winding roads, and rich cultural experiences. As you plan your adventure, choosing the right motorcycle is crucial for a safe and enjoyable journey. This guide will help you select the best motorcycle for conquering the Ha Giang Loop.

For the full 4-Days Ha Giang Loop Itinerary :

The Motorcycle I Use in Ha Giang Loop

I completed the Ha Giang Loop on a 110cc semi-automatic Honda Blade, with a passenger behind me and two large backpacks stacked behind us. And one in our group used an automatic one. Although we managed to finish it, there were moments when the motorcycle would shut down on steep roads. Moreover, I found gear shifting tiring during long rides. Reflecting on my experience, I realize I could have opted for an automatic or a motorcycle with a larger engine.

That being said, when tackling the Ha Giang Loop, you have the freedom to choose any type of motorcycle you prefer. However, based on my experience, comfort, reliability, and most importantly safety are paramount considerations.

Types of Motorcycles in Ha Giang

There are several types of motorcycles you can choose from, each with its pros and cons:

Semi-Automatic (110cc – 125cc)

If you are looking for a balance between comfort and reliability, semi-automatic is the best motorcycle for you to choose.

  • Price: 170,000 VND per day
  • Pros: Easier to handle for beginners, no clutch to manage, decent power.
  • Cons: Limited control on steep inclines, less power than manual bikes.

Manual (125cc or 150cc)

If you are an experienced and skilled rider and comfortable using a manual motorcycle, this is the best among the types of motorcycles to use in Ha Giang Loop.

  • Price: (125cc) 300,000 VND per day
  • Price: (150cc) 550,000 VND per day
  • Pros: Greater control and power, better for experienced riders, handles inclines and rough terrain well.
  • Cons: Requires more skill to operate, clutch management needed.

Automatic Scooter (125cc)

It’s not advisable to use this in the Ha Giang Loop because it can be dangerous, especially if you’re not an experienced rider. You don’t have the ability to brake the engine if the brakes fail. Another con is the width of the wheels, it can be unstable to ride on the gravel roads.

  • Price: 300,000 VND per day
  • Pros: Very easy to ride, automatic transmission, good for paved roads.
  • Cons: Not suitable for rough terrain, less power and control.

Motorcycle Insurance

Make sure to avail yourself of motorcycle insurance from the rental operator. It will cover accidental damage, liability, and theft insurance during your Ha Giang Loop trip.


Price: 80,000 VND per day


Price: 120,00 VND per day


Price: 250,000 VND per day

Motorcycle Rental Tips in Ha Giang Loop

When renting a motorcycle for the Ha Giang Loop, keep these tips in mind:

  • Inspect the Bike: Check brakes, tires, lights, and general condition. Ensure it’s roadworthy.
  • Test Ride: Take a short test ride to get a feel for the bike and ensure everything is functioning correctly.
  • Rental Insurance: Opt for rental insurance if available, covering potential damages or breakdowns.
  • Safety Gear: Always rent or bring your own helmet, gloves, and protective clothing.

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