2024 Best Top 5 Amazing Activities in Port Barton Palawan

activities in port barton

Are you planning your trip to Port Barton? Looking for activities to do in Port Barton? Well, I got you covered! You’ve arrived at the right place to gather ideas on the top activities in Port Barton!

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Activities in Port Barton

Nestled within the serene landscapes of San Vicente, Palawan, lies a hidden gem waiting to be discovered: Port Barton. In 2024, this coastal paradise has emerged as a haven for travelers seeking a blend of natural beauty and thrilling adventures. Among its myriad offerings, I listed down the top five activities in Port Barton as must-experiences, each promising a unique glimpse into the mesmerizing tapestry of Port Barton’s allure.

Island Hopping

Island hopping is ont of the best activities in Port Barton is a must-do experience that allows you to explore the pristine beauty of Palawan’s islands. Begin your adventure early in the morning to catch the best views and avoid the midday crowds. Visit stunning spots like Exotic Island, German Island, and Twin Reef for snorkeling opportunities amidst colorful coral gardens and diverse marine life. Don’t forget to pack essentials like sunscreen and a hat to stay protected under the tropical sun.

Port Barton Island Hopping Tips

  • Start early in the morning to avoid crowds and enjoy the serene beauty of the islands.
  • Bring sunscreen, a hat, and a reusable water bottle.
  • Respect marine life and coral reefs by not touching or littering.

Port Barton Island Hopping Tour Packages

Here are the main tour packages that you may avail of in Port Barton. Keep in mind that these may change depending on the schedule, weather, and your preferences.

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Tour A

  • Twin Reef
  • Turtle Sanctuary
  • Paradise Island
  • Inaladelan Beach
  • Fantastic Reef
  • Sand Bar

Tour B

  • Aquarium Reef
  • Maxima Beach
  • Marine Sanctuary
  • Lagoon Reef
  • Turtle Sanctuary
  • Sand Bar (Starfish Island)

Tour C

  • Smart Island
  • Paradise Island
  • White Beach
  • Inaladelan Island (Formerly known as German Island)
  • Sand Bar (Starfish Island)

Tour D

  • Nemo’s Coral Garden
  • Exotic Island
  • Sandbar (Starfish Island)
  • Bigaho Waterfall

Tour Inclusions

  • Lunch Buffet
  • Drinking Water
  • Boat Guide
  • Mask & Snorkel
  • Island Entrance Fees
  • Eco-Ticket
  • Life Vest


Snorkeling activities in Port Barton offers an immersive underwater experience where you can discover the rich marine biodiversity of Palawan. Join a guided snorkeling tour with a trusted operator to explore vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful fish, sea turtles, and other fascinating sea creatures. Remember to use proper snorkeling techniques and eco-friendly practices to protect the delicate marine ecosystem.

Port Barton Snorkeling Tips

  • Choose a reputable tour operator that provides quality snorkeling gear. I suggest contacting your hotel to help you find a reputable operator.
  • Practice proper snorkeling techniques, such as breathing through your mouth and using defogging solutions for your mask.
  • Respect marine life and avoid touching or disturbing coral reefs.

Port Barton Snorkeling Spots

  • Aquarium Reef
  • Exotic Island
  • Double Island
  • Fantastic Reef
  • Manta Ray Reef
  • Twin Rocks

Scuba Diving

For certified divers and diving enthusiasts, Port Barton offers incredible dive sites with diverse marine life and underwater landscapes. Join a dive tour to explore sites like Twin Peaks, Fantastic Reef, and Alad Island for encounters with colorful corals, reef fish, and possibly even sea turtles and rays. If you’re new to scuba diving, consider taking an introductory dive with a certified instructor to experience the magic of the underwater world.

Port Barton Scuba Diving Tips

  • Get certified if you’re new to scuba diving or opt for a guided introductory dive.
  • Follow the instructions of your dive instructor and practice good buoyancy control.
  • Capture your underwater memories with a waterproof camera or GoPro.

Port Barton Scuba Diving Spots

  • Shark Point
  • MIddle Rock
  • Royalist Shoal
  • Ten Fathoms
  • Wilson Head
  • Black Coral


Kayaking in Port Barton allows you to paddle through crystal-clear waters, mangrove forests, and hidden coves for a peaceful and adventurous outing. Rent a kayak from trusted rental providers and embark on a self-guided or guided kayaking excursion to discover the beauty of Palawan’s coastline. Explore mangrove tunnels, spot bird species, and enjoy the tranquil surroundings while keeping an eye out for marine life beneath the surface.

Port Barton Kayaking Tips

  • Rent a kayak from reputable rental shops with safety equipment included. I suggest contacting your hotel to help you find a reputable rental shop.
  • Explore nearby mangrove forests and secluded coves for a unique kayaking experience.
  • Pack snacks, water, and a waterproof bag for your belongings.

Trekking to Pamuayan Falls

Walking to Pamuayan Falls is a delightful adventure in the lush greenery of Port Barton. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes and follow the trail. Bring along a bag with drinks, snacks, a map, and bug spray for a smooth journey. As you follow the signs to reach the falls, immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of nature. Once at Pamuayan Falls, take a refreshing dip in its clear waters, adding a splash of fun to your exploration of San Vicente’s natural beauty.

Pamuayan Falls Trekking Tips:

  • Wear strong shoes and comfy clothes for hiking.
  • Carry a backpack with water, snacks, a map, and bug spray.
  • Stay on marked paths to protect the area.

Bar and Restaurant

I highly recommend dining at Besaga’s Cafe and Restaurant. Besaga’s is located along the beach of Port Barton’s mainland, where you can enjoy your food while taking in the serene shoreline scenery.

Besaga’s offers a variety of Western and American-style dishes, along with Filipino cuisine. In the evening, it’s a great spot for dining or hanging out with friends, perhaps enjoying a beer or cocktail.

Place to Stay

Enjoy your stay at Teteng’s Home with a very hospitable staff. They will help you with everything you need, from transportation to get to Port Barton, getting a boat to rent, looking for a scuba diving operator, and other activities in Port Barton.

I, personally enjoyed my short stay here, and I highly appreciate the hospitality of the staff for being very helpful with everything that I and my group needed during our stay.

Boat Rental

If you are coming as a family or group, I highly recommend you rent your own boat as it will give you the flexibility for your island hopping and other ocean activities.

Here is Arnie, our tour guide and organizer. He can help you plan and book your ocean activity by contacting him through this number: +63-905-488-8070

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